Beyond the 1st Response
Beyond the 1st Response brings first responders, families, and mindset together for serious and humorous conversations on mental health. #BT1R
Beyond the 1st Response
EP 61: Where the Thankfulness is!
In this Beyond the 1st Response episode, Christy and Ciara speak about the challenges of the Holidays in First Responder families
Healthy Family Dynamic
In a healthy family dynamic it is understood that the first responder will not be able to be home on the day, especially as rookies, or if you are in an on-call position. We say healthy family dynamic, because a healthy supportive family understands the new normal without pressure or anger for your job serving the community.
How may this look for you, your family? It may not look much different, but it may be just making a new tradition, or setting your healthy boundaries for the day. Communicate, take your breaks, find the time for you! But also find the good in those times, enjoy the moment, be grateful for what you have and are able to give!
There is Always a First
If this is your first holiday season without your loved one, or even as a first responder, please remember that it is ok to say no when you’re overwhelmed. To know that your feelings are valid and you don’t have to spend the time with family. That maybe it is your friends and time with them that you may need to get through. That it is ok to not be ok. This time of year can come with a lot of heavy feelings and pressure. Boundaries and the word NO are perfectly acceptable, and we encourage you to use them for you to find your happiness and good spaces!
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