Beyond the 1st Response
Beyond the 1st Response brings first responders, families, and mindset together for serious and humorous conversations on mental health. #BT1R
Beyond the 1st Response
EP 66: Amy's Story - Amy Row
In this Beyond the 1st Response episode, Christy and Ciara had the pleasure to speak to Amy Row. The wife of former police officer Vance Row whom we had on the show previously.
The Hard Talks
We got to meet Vance and hear his story last week, and today we got to meet his wife Amy. As we always say “we are here to have a conversation” and that is just what Amy did with Vance to help save him.
Amy shared what it was like when Vance was going through his hard mental and physical times. How their lives had changed and the peaks and valleys. Amy shared all their vulnerable times and realizes now just how grateful she is for having that open communication with her husband. We had the hard conversations about her feelings and emotions, and even trust through the hard times.
Amy talks about how she has supported Vance while still maintaining her healthy boundaries, even not being as into Yoga as him. Having the conversation with Amy, she talks about the tools that she used to get through the hard times and how they helped both of them overcome the negative and start creating a healthier life.
Turn Your Mess into Your Message~ Robin Robbins
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