Beyond the 1st Response
Beyond the 1st Response brings first responders, families, and mindset together for serious and humorous conversations on mental health. #BT1R
Beyond the 1st Response
EP 67: So You Want to Volunteer and Give Back
In this Beyond the 1st Response episode, Christy and Ciara thought they would change it up to give listeners great ways to get involved in their community and beyond.
Giving Back
Giving back to your community or something you hold near and dear to your heart can be a healthy and rewarding life experience. Simple gestures for your local first responders up to volunteering at your local TIPS organization are all great things. Support your local AFSP walks to help end suicide; create a team and walk in solidarity.
Find what brings you happiness without overstepping your personal health boundaries! Whether in person or monetary, all aspects of volunteering matter, and what helps organizations continue on!
Show Links
First HELP NAMI American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Gary Sinise Foundation Trauma Intervention Program Volunteer Match
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