Beyond the 1st Response
Beyond the 1st Response brings first responders, families, and mindset together for serious and humorous conversations on mental health. #BT1R
Beyond the 1st Response
EP 80: Keep Your Head Above Your Feet - Dr. Cherylynn Lee
In this episode of Beyond the 1st Response, Christy talks with Dr. Cheylynn Lee, a police Psychologist specializing in operations and officer wellness.
The Start
When Cherylynn first started as a Psychologist, she volunteered at Santa Barbra Sheriff’s Department, bringing her skills to Sheriff’s Department as a way to differ them the experience of mental wellness in the field. Just a few years later, she wrote her own job description and created a force to be recokoned with.
The Job
Dr. Lee is the director of the Behavorial Science Unit, which houses the peer support group. Lee also handles the debriefings for other departments and is on the negotiator team. Oversees the CIT Training and so many more jobs.
Dr. Lee, is not only part of the LEO family, but she is raising two young children. Teaching them to understand what she does and the importance of helping to make the world a safety place. Thanks to her husband, who is able to be a huge part in stepping up for the children’s care when duty calls at all hours.
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